Look at my big boy!!!!
Everytime I look at this picture I just want to cry... My little boy is getting so big... Me and Whitney went and got the grandkids pictures done for Grandpa Catmull's Birthday.... Oh my gosh they were so much fun to watch... They just right up there and smile did what the lady asked them to do... and they just had a good time doing it... It wasnt like other times when we were fighting them to smile and always having to tell conner we'll give him gum.... I just cant believe how much they all have grown up... Conner is almost has tall as kortney now... But thats not hard to believe he's always been so tall since the day he come to us... and he just keeps getting bigger... He's so much fun to watch now.. Hes such a talker and does the most funniest things you never stop laughing when hes around... He sure brightens your day up... He is such a sweetheart to... Anytime he knows your down he always come up to you and tells you he loves you and hugs you and makes it all better... The other night we were at Grandma and Grandpa Catmulls and we were getting ready to go and he stood at the top of the stairs and said Grandpa I love you!!! What a sweet kid.. and Dont let me forget he is such a good boy at telling you hes sorry for hurting you or if you got hurt... and those two favorite works parents love to hear... Please and Thank you.. He sure knows how to use those works... What a good boy he is growning up to be... We couldnt of ask for a better kid... Just thought a little update on him would be nice...